Labels:text | screenshot | diagram | rectangle | number | parallel | font OCR: Product -Key Data Product ID IPK11 Activity -Non-Key Data -Key Data Name Std Period Service Fee Amount Activity IDEPK1; Parent_Product_ID Product _ID [FK] Non-Key Data Name Standard _Cost @Amount Standard_Price_Amount is a configuration of Parent Acthity_ID Acluty AD Product Activity Delivery Medium -Key Data Acslicy_ID [PKT] IFK] P Delivery Mediums _ID (PK2] |FK| Is a configuration of Product _ID [PK3] [FK] Period_ _ Date [PXA) Delivery Medium -Derivables - Key Data- Total Fee Amount Desvery_Medium_ID1PKT] Total Cost Amount -Non-Key Data --- Total Event_Amount Name Total New Product Count p Standard Cost Amount Total Closed_Product_Count Standard Usage Price Amount FIGURE 3. Activity-oriented"star" model.